Monday, February 22, 2021

Donnie's Choice: Prince of Darkness(87)

For joining at our $10 tier on Patreon, Donnie of Cage's Kiss Podcast gets to choose any topic of his choice for this podcast.  Today him and his co host Linda, also of Bedknobs and Broomflicks were on to discuss John Carpenter's little seen horror feature, Prince of Darkness starring Alice Cooper because he is the only person I recognize in this movie.

They also spend a good portion at the start  talking about rave toilets, so join them in this fun filled expedition.

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  1. An extremely underrated film from John Carpenter who was untouchable in the 1970s and 1980s as I think he had a run of films that are incredible and doesn't get enough recognition. His 90s/21st Century work is a mixed bag with a great yet overlooked film in In the Mouth of Madness and a fun one in Vampires while there's also stuff that's just eh...

    1. Thank you for the nice words Donnie I love In the Mouth of Madness and even found Vampires to have some fun things about it as well.


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